
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Ocean Changes

For the past few weeks [4-10] we have been working on climate issues. For week 9 we had to create a poster about Ocean Changes. here is mine.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Pol Pot Poster

For the past few weeks, our class researched and read the book ´Boranys Story´. It is about the war of Cambodia led by Pol Pot. We were given a task to make a wanted poster of Pol Pot, here is mine.


Thursday, September 3, 2020

Storyboard script

For the past couple of weeks, we have been trying out film making. In week 4-5 we started to wring out scripts, storyboards, and concepts. Here is the link to the storyboard of our Film

                                                                                    link is here

Word Promblems

This week we were given a maths word problem slide to complete 


For this week, we were given different topics of work to complete throughout 4 weeks. Our first one was deforestation. 

Fraction Word Problems T3W6

For the past week, we worked on our word problems and fraction. We completed a slideshow working with both of those things.


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Literacy- Reading Responses- T2W11

This week for Literacy, our teacher had assigned us our work for the week. This week’s focus: Reading Responses- Also writing a fractured fairy tale that is at the end of the slide.